Thursday, August 20, 2009

Some Recent Photo Sessions . . .

I thought I would take a minute to update everyone on the recent photo sessions that I've had the pleasure of taking in the past two weeks. I've been having a great time getting to know so many families and the cutest kids imaginable!

Take a look . . .

"Little Tom Sawyer"

"The Bright Yellow Door"


"On Top Of The World"

"Rubber Duckie"

Call me to book your session today! Creative, Unique Portraits is what I like! Give me some ideas and bring some props of your own! 570-698-5740


Thursday, August 6, 2009

A Successful Ladies Night!!

Our first annual "Ladies Night" was held on July 31, 2009 and it was a successful, FUN night! There was lots of food and fun and great doorprizes. We had only positive feedback from the event. The Glamour sessions were a hit! And I've posted a couple to show you the good time the women had with us! If you missed out on our "Ladies Night" or you would like to come back for another please mark your calendars for Friday, January 29th, 2010. Our next "Ladies Night" will be just in time for Valentines Day so be thinking of some special photos that you can present to your husband! For more information on "Ladies Night" please call Chrystal at the studio 570-698-5740.